The Witch Bitch Newsletter: Tuesday–Day of Mars

In Magickal Traditions, Tuesday is the Day of Mars. 

Personally speaking, Tuesday is my day for taking decisive, powerful, and, if necessary, bold action. Any project or task that seems like a struggle or situation that has me feeling as though I AM wading into battle, Tuesday is my day for those activities.

Magickally speaking, Tuesdays are great days for Spells and Rituals focused on: Protection (physical and otherwise), strengthening the body, physical fitness, and, from a Magickal/Planetary perspective, a great day for exercising, especially for building strength (in other words, from a Magickal/Plantetary perspective, working on major muscle groups–such as leg day–,” is ideal on a Day of Mars), Courage, Sexual Energy, legal matters (although, one could argue that regarding the filing, documents, paperwork, Wednesday, Day of Mercury, is more ideal, but I digress), etc.

In Western Astrology, Mars rules Aries, and with Pluto (which, in Western Astrology, has always been a Planet), co-rules Scorpio. As such, Tuesday is a “Power Day” for any one whose Sun-Sign is either Aries or Scorpio. Remember: before the official discovery of Pluto, Mars ruled Scorpio, as well as Aries.

Furthermore, working with Warrior Goddesses and Gods is most appropriate. So, Bellona (the feminine counterpart of the Roman God Mars), Athena (for engaging in battle, but for strategizing, Wednesday, Day of Mercury), Sango (also known as Chango, not to be confused with Chang’O, the Chinese Goddess of the Moon), among Others.

Given the predominant Energy of Mars and Aries, working with candles, cauldron fires, heat, and, of course, you can do something energetic/frenetic to build up your body heat and energy. There are many ways to build up energy for Ritual Work and SpellCraft; dancing is one of them. Not to mention the fact that it is very challenging to be depressed or feel discouraged when jamming to your favorite tunes.

Now, I think it is safe to say that I would be remiss if I did not discuss a precaution or three regarding working with the Planetary Energy of Mars. Please refrain from using this energy to harm another, dominate another, wield power over another. Of course, there is NOTHING wrong with using this energy to protect yourself from someone who is trying to harm you, or prevent someone from harming you again, especially physically. Using this type of Magickal Energy is absolutely appropriate to prevent sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, and related offenses.


Please feel free to ask any questions related to the Magickal and Planetary Energy of the Planet Mars. Also, if you who are reading this blog post wish to share any other recommendations on working with this Planetary Energy, please do so in the comments.

May the Energy of Mars bring you great courage, strength and empowerment.

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