About Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Sunday, June 17, 2012 is Father’s Day.  For a long time, Father’s Day has been a challenge for me.

I never met my father.  I have no idea what he looks like, and up until my first Clairvoyant Reading in 1997, I had no idea he was even alive. Now, there are some days when Father’s Day is an OK day with me, but sometimes there are not.  These last few days were rather challenging for me.

At forty-two years of age, I have heard so many things from so many people.  “Well, maybe your father was not a nice man.”  “Robert, this is probably a Blessing in disguise.”  “Hey, you never know; he might have been an axe murderer.”  Even to my ears, eyes and Mind, this sounds jaded to me.  Nonetheless, there is nothing that one could say (or write, as the case may be) that would sound new to me.

Because Capricorn is traditionally one of the most pessimistic Signs of the Western Zodiac, I feel that I have a responsibility to be as positive as possible; there are many Capricorns (including yours truly) that can tell you that is no mean feat, but it can be done.

Over these last few years, I have opened myself to being open to and working with Male Divinities.  The following are the Gods that I consider my Fathers:


Ausar (oh-SAR) Is the Egyptian God more commonly known as Osiris (oh-SIGH-ris).  He Is the Egyptian God of the Afterlife, but before He was slain by His brother, Set (also known as Seth), He was a God of Agriculture.  Personally, given that wheat and barley were staples in Ancient Egypt, I still consider Ausar a God of Agriculture.  In Heka–the Path of Ancient Egyptian Magick–Ausar Is the Father, or the All-Father (Auset/Isis, of course, would be the Mother, or the All-Mother).  One thing that I receive from Ausar Is a quiet strength.  I feel His Presence, simply because He Is the Divine Consort of my Celestial Mother, the Goddess Who gave Birth to my Soul.  Even when I forget Him, I know He Is there.

Pan Is the Greek God of Wild Fields and Wilder Lust.  His Name literally means “All.”  He Is the Father of all Satyrs, Fauns and Capricorns.  Years ago, I found a book entitled Gods and Goddesses of the Zodiac, by Anne-Marie Garrison.  I consider it a coloring book for all ages.  I was not at all surprised to see Athena, Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom on the “Aries” page, or Yemaya, Afro-Caribbean Goddess of the Oceans on the “Cancer” page. Pan Is, not surprisingly, on the Capricorn page.  He climbs up and down the mountain, and Re-Minds every Capricorn that there is wildness and freedom in our Souls that must be expressed.  Years ago, I participated in a workshop about connecting with Ascended Masters (the Beings my fellow Witches refer to as Goddesses and Gods).  I had a vision, if you will, of a major celebration.  I lost count of the many Goddesses and Gods that were there, including Pan.  He was dressed in a supremely elegant tuxedo with tails (no top hat or cane, but I AM OK with that), and He had human-looking legs!  He approached me, and asked me to dance with Him.  I immediately felt uncomfortable, but with Divine Love in His Eyes and Voice, He said, “If fathers can dance with their daughters, then fathers can dance with their sons.”  No sooner did I begin dancing with Him, I forever remembered that I AM no longer alone in the Universe.

Shango (shahn-GO)Is the Yoruban/Nigerian/Afro-Caribbean God of Fire, Lightning and Thunder.  He Is El Guerrero, one of the Warriors of the Orishas.  Now, for the record, I AM not a Santero.  I have not been Divinely Guided to become a part of the Religion commonly known as Santeria by my fellow Cubans, as well as Puerto Ricans, but called Lukumi in Nigeria.  However, I AM an aleyo, an uninitiated devotee of the Orishas.  For years, I have been told by people in the Religion that my Father would be Shango (also known as Chango, but not to be confused with Chang’O, Chinese Goddess of the Moon).  For a long time I was uncomfortable around Him; years ago, I had been told Shango did not like Gay Men (although, one of His Sacred Stories has Him wearing a dress; He did it because an army was after Him for fucking their wives, but I digress).  Thank Goddess for my personal Psychic Advisor, Roger Pratt.  He showed me the error of my ways and my thinking with Divine Love and Light.  He also informed me that the same was said about Orunla, also known as Orunmila, the Afro-Caribbean God of Fate, Destiny and Divination.  Do you know how many Gay Men are fantastic Psychics (including yours truly)?  Clearly, it is not that much of an issue, if at all, for Orunmila.  I rarely hear Shango, but I feel Him strongly.  He Is my Protector, the reason why I have always loved percussion music, and why I AM a Man of Magick.  He Is present in my sex drive, and He Is the Fire in my blood when I hear about someone being abused, raped, molested and assaulted for being different.  He Is the reason why I AM defiant, even fearless, and the reason I AM alive. 

When I was Divinely Guided to dedicate myself to the Path of Moon Magick, I felt I needed to a Divine Father in that Magickal Path.  The choice was truly obvious in Tehuti (teh-HOO-tee), more commonly known as Thoth.  He Is the Egyptian God of Moon Magick, Divine Intelligence, and Writing.  He Is the Divine Scribe of the Neteru (nee-CHEH-roo), the collective name of all the Egyptian Goddesses and Gods, and He Is credited with inventing the Hieroglyphs.  He Is often depicted with an Ibis’s head (sometimes a Babboon, but I prefer the Ibis Head better).  Tehuti Is my newest Father, so I have not spent that much time with Him.  When I engage in Moon Magick, I almost exclusively work with Auset, Who Is a Full-Moon Goddess, but with Tehuti, I have found I AM an interested student.  In other words, I AM ready to learn as much as I can about Moon Magick, and to fine-tune my skills and techniques in that area.  I AM open to working with the Moon, and I AM open to working with Him.


Dear blog readers, I have no idea what tomorrow’s Father’s Day shall hold for you.  But whatever it does, know that there are many Divine Fathers (and Celestial Mothers) that Are more than happy and more than willing to love you, adore you, strengthen you, protect you, honor you and adore you.  Thank you.

8 comments on “About Tomorrow

    • Saymber, whenever I see or hear about two or more people–regardless of the relationship between them–my Blessing is always the same: “May the Goddess forever Bless your Sacred Union.” I AM happy to know that you have a FANTASTIC Earthly/Human father that loves and adores you and that is a huge Blessing in your life. I can certainly be happy for you, and I AM.


  1. For many years I disliked father’s day. It was a painful reminder of all the drama and distance I had with my father. Once my father died, I was able to heal and forgive my father. It took many years to do so. What i went through with my father was not in vain, i made sure that any child of mine would have a loving and warm father. As my husband will celebrate his first father’s day, it warms my heart to know my son has a great father. He will never have to suffer like I did with my father.


    • I AM truly honored by your courage, not only in what you experienced, but in sharing it so publicly. I AM truly on the verge of speechless (that is, if I was speaking). Nonetheless, as if I needed proof that you bring so much Joy and Light into the world, you shared this. Thank you.


  2. Interestingly – I have decided to do Writing the Energetic Body from the crown down because I realized the folks that dont have the best relationships with their parents/early family life sort of get stuck at the 5th chakra. Suddenly, it is scary to speak. After looking at all the early life stuff, trust for some of us is an issue. I am betting that working from a Universal place where anything is possible – the crown to the root – will break through the 5th chakra blockages. The Father and Mother figures are Divine and our Ourselves and Everyone from an expansive Universal standpoint. What if we drew that down into our bodies and had some healing in the earlier life experience chakras?


    • Amazing! Holly, I LOVE the fact that your upcoming “Writing the Energetic Body” Workshop is starting with the Crown Chakra down to the Root/Base Chakra. And what you wrote about the Throat Chakra is very insightful. My Saturn-Sign is Taurus (which rules the throat and neck) and for many years–especially as a child–I constantly had sore throats as well as strep throat, laryngitis and the like. It has only been roughly four to five years ago that I have not. This Course is going to bring even more Healing Shifts for the participants.


  3. Robert, What a beautiful and heartfelt post. It certainly has me thinking about my father and the relationship that didn’t exist between us, and my step-father and the resentment I felt he had toward my sisters and me (which later was confirmed when my mother divorced him). There is a feeling of being unmoored without a father.

    Alas, it also has me thinking about Matagi, who is a father very dedicated to his child. Very healing for me.

    I love that you have turned this Pantheon of Gods into your father. Being a Capricorn as well, and the father sign of the zodiac, it is curious that we do not have relationships with our human fathers. I’ll bet you were a very serious child (I know I was)!

    Thank you for your post. I think you have stirred one up in me!

    Boundless Blessings,



    • Holly, I AM happy and honored that this post was Divinely Inspiring. And yes, I was a very serious child. “Unmoored” is such a perfect word, and it most accurately describes how I have felt most of my life! It is, indeed, an Astrological Irony that we are both Capricorns (which is the Sign of the Father, both Human and Divine) and that you and I do not have relationships with ours. I have met other Capricorns–both December and January–that are in similar situations.


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