Moon Magick, Manifestation, and Journaling…

I AM crystal clear that I love teaching.

I love leading Metaphysical Classes, and I enjoy teaching my clients and students about different and various Metaphysical Methods and Sacred Tools that they can use to empower their lives, and strengthen their Spiritual Energies.

However, every once in a while, I love being on “the other side of the lectern.”  As well as remembering how important it is for me to learn.

Tomorrow, Sunday, February 15, 2015, 2PM, I shall have the opportunity to do just that.

Last month, I met a truly cool man named Jimmy Clark.  I met him at a Vortex Group Healing Event (which, deserves its own blog post, but I digress), and when he mentioned this workshop, the first thing I said was, “I AM so there!”

And now, I have the honor and pleasure of participating in his “Moon Magick, Manifestation, and Journaling for Creative Abundance Healing Workshop.”

Here is a little bit about it, in Jimmy’s own words:




“The workshops always begin with creating sacred space/circle casting, where I integrate directional/elemental energies, and purify the space and its occupants.  We then do introductions, followed by intention setting with a journal.

The program then moves into Pranayama, a grounding technique used by Yogis and Spiritualists the world over, which syncs the body to the breath and creates internal sacred space for our workings.  During this portion, various materials and tools will be used to tune the ambiance of the group and the room.  These tools include various cleansing spurge sprays, crystals, and more.

The main body of the program is divided into two segments.  The first of which will be focused on discussing Lunar cycles, moon meanings, and traditions.

The second segment will include a lecture on journaling for manifestation and creative abundance, where tips, discussions, and advice on how to successfully cultivate a daily writing/awareness practice will be shared.  There will be segments of time allotted for each participant to practice these techniques during the workshop, while also applying Lunar influences that will be discussed.”




Jimmy Clark (or, in some circles, Pan) is an ongoing student of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Reiki, a double certified Yoga Instructor/Aerialist, and has deep-seated roots in Celtic Shamanism, Druidism/Wicca and Nature-based Ritual Magick.

He is also an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and also has a background in music of more than fifteen years.

He played with the band Amber Blues, and is actively involved with a New Jersey-based group called Helping All Little Things (or, HALT, for short).

Feel free to contact him directly for more info on his Moon Magick Workshops, his various professional/Metaphysical/Mystical Services, or for more info about him by Emailing him at

And yes, Jimmy Clark is leading this event again.

Thank you, one and all, for honoring who I AM and what I do.  Have a great night, and a wonderful weekend.lunarphases


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