A Sacred Solitude Attitude…

Yesterday, Wednesday, September 11, 2013, I engaged in Sacred Solitude.

Frankly, since last year my Empathic abilities have become much stronger, and as a result, the need to Psychically Shield myself has become much more important.

For many people, especially those of us that live in  the New York City area, September 11 is a very challenging day.  One of my fellow Witches who is highly Empathic sent me a text message that read “Tomorrow (meaning September 11) is a day when emotions are raw and overwhelmingly strong.  And will not set foot in the city (meaning New York City) because I can already FEEL those emotions.”

Those of you that have availed yourselves of my Psychic Services have often received my Wise Counsel to engage in Sacred Solitude.  For some of you this is difficult, perhaps challenging, given your commitments to your family, spouse, position of employment, etc.

Difficult, yes; impossible, no.

And given how many of my blog posts have either the phrase “Sacred Solitude” in the title of the post, or in the tags, this is a topic that I shall write about, again and often.

On the evening of Tuesday, September 10, 2013, I spent time with a friend visiting from Virginia, then returned home, made a few telephone calls, and made dinner.  After that, I not only closed my notebook computer, but I also waited until my cell phone was fully charged, then shut it off.

As for yesterday, Wednesday, September 11, 2013, I spent the entire day reading, writing, Meditating, Praying.  I also did some light cleaning, organized my bedroom clothes closet and spent time cuddling with my cats.

Surprisingly, I also found myself taking a nap.  Actually, I laid down sometime in the early afternoon, and then I woke up.  The nap was not planned, but I AM crystal clear that my Body needed more rest.  And as I often state on Facebook, “Sleep is under-rated.”

I have found that, many of my Sacred Solitude Days and Nights are like Sabbaths.  I have decided to change that a bit.  Last night, I indulged myself by watching (on video) She’s All That, starring the ever-sexy Freddie Prinze, Jr. and the enormously talented Rachel Leigh Cook.

I also watched The Firm, starring Tom Cruise and the amazingly talented Gene Hackman.

I must say, one day I would love to read a John Grisham novel to completion.  He is a very talented writer, but for some reason, when I have read his novels I do not usually make it past page seven.  I truly have no idea why, especially since I enjoy novels with that particular theme.

But, I LOVE the motion pictures adapted from his novels.  I recently watched and loved The Client, starring the incomparable Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones, as well as having watched Runaway Jury three times.  I AM long overdue to watch The Pelican Brief and others, but again, I digress.

And yes, I enjoyed watching The Firm.

Regarding Sacred Solitude, it is a practice that was recommended to me by a fellow professional Lightworker, about three years ago.

Every time I engage in Sacred Solitude, I find that I sleep better and more deeply, I feel lighter, both physically and emotionally, I laugh more, and I AM more Psychically aware.  Also, when I return to the rest of the world, I find that my ability to deal with stressful people and situations is better and more effective, I enjoy being around other people more, and more.

I have purposely avoided using an entire blog post to list all the Blessings, Gifts and Miracles I receive from engaging in Sacred Solitude.  In other words, yes, I have been especially nice and have refrained from coming off as if bragging.

However, perhaps I need to do that so that some of you can finally give yourselves this amazing treat.  As some of you know, a great deal of Divine Guidance goes into what I write and when.

If I AM writing blog posts about Sacred Solitude more than once, and being Divinely Guided to do so, then there are many of you that desire and need this.  And possibly, very much.

If you are drawn to it, and feel that it would bring enormous Blessings into your life, then do it!  Ask the Celestial Being or Beings that Are most Sacred to you to help you make it happen.  And He/She/They shall do so.

I have been telling clients for years that nothing is more important or more valuable than one’s Well-Being.  If you feel and know that engaging in Sacred Solitude would be an incredibly Healing experience for you, then ask the Divine Great Mystery to help you manifest this desire.

As always, thank you, one and all, for honoring who I AM and what I do.

And, may we always be Divinely Protected from those who wish us and ours harm.solitudebythebeach

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